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Finding Joy

Finding a balance between work and life is a modern-day conundrum. However, the onset of a global pandemic has challenged us to find a sense of balance at all, as we juggle the competing demands of home life; working, studying and playing together. Ironically, just as we are given the gift of time with our families as a result of an extended lockdown, the options for family activities are limited, for the most part, to our homes.

I acknowledge that keeping our children entertained is difficult at times, and yet it does not take too much to bring us all – children and adults alike – a sense of joy. What fun it was to see our students (and quite a number of staff!) dressed in their pyjamas for their morning learning last Friday. Following that, as you will have seen on Facebook, houses, letterboxes and driveways were displayed in the School colours. The images gave me great heart, reminding me that we remain connected, even while apart.

As we look forward to another half-day away from schooling tomorrow, I invite you to focus on the little moments of pleasure that you can find with each other. Do try and encourage your children to step away from their screens and get some sunlight and fresh air, be it in the backyard, taking a walk or going on a bike ride around your local area. Spring is in the air and with it comes a sense of renewal. I hope that you enjoy your extended weekend.

Penelope Monger - Deputy Principal