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Farewell Reverend Peter

We were all saddened to hear that Reverend Peter Waterhouse, our School Chaplain will be leaving us at the end of the term. Peter joined the School in October 2013 and served all in our community with energy and dedication. Peter moves onto new ventures that I know will provide him great opportunity to grow professionally and personally. From the commencement of Term 4, he will take up the role of Secondary School Chaplain at Brighton Grammar School. I know Peter leaves Hume with a heavy heart and the decision to leave would not have been an easy one. He wrote to me recently and said, “I now feel ready for the next step, and so now wish to throw myself into a new school culture, where I can translate afresh the vital skills and insights I have learnt here.”

There are many things we will remember about Peter, and I know we will think fondly of his Chapel services. Peter appreciated that music and song could bring so much joy to the students, whilst at the same time conveying the values of Christianity and the message of Christ’s love. I know the students appreciated the thought and preparation that went into each service, and that always at the forefront of his thinking was to have as much student involvement as possible. Peter has many talents in so many areas, not just in those normally associated with being a Chaplain. Peter is an avid sportsman, starting his career in education as a teacher of Health and Physical Education, something he continued to teach in his time at Hume. He often used sport as a means to convey his message, showing how sporting competitions teaches and reinforces so many Anglican values – grace, inclusion, compassion, dedication, respect, resilience and strength of purpose. Not only did Peter love to follow and talk about sport, but he was an active participant, and each year took the opportunity to join the students in the House Cross Country competitions.

Peter’s versatility was a great strength, he was Chaplain for a Prep to Year 12 school and connected equally well in both Primary and Secondary settings. This again was demonstrated when he became a multi-campus Chaplain in 2019. This involvement across the School has been extended in Peter’s initiative in pursuing a new School hymn, to accompany the School Prayer, which he also wrote. Peter coordinated the Duke of Edinburgh Award, and each year has organised the Winter and Christmas Appeals for Anglicare. Peter’s expertise was recognised when he joined the organising committee for the Victorian Anglican Schools Service in 2017, and then invited to be the Chair in 2019. He also played a major role in our 10-year celebration when the entire school community gathered at St Paul's Cathedral in 2017. Staff will fondly remember his engaging and expertly presented Staff Chapel Services held each term, and how with his touch of humour, made it something we always looked forward to.

During the pandemic when we were all operating remotely, Peter sought out innovative ways to connect to the community, and his ‘View from the Hill’ video broadcasts provided comfort to many feeling isolated during a time of disconnect. On the artistic front, Peter has been significantly involved in School performances and will again this year be part the Primary production, Lion King Jnr. Of course, coordinating and hosting the Christmas Carols was one of the highlights of Peter’s year. A time when the community came together in song and celebration to commemorate the birth of our Saviour.

Peter’s time at Hume has been greatly valued and he may rest assured that he has changed the lives of some thousands of young people, not to mention the staff and parents. We have all admired his commitment and professionalism, and that he deeply invested himself in the School, also reflected in that all three of his children attended as students. Peter will be sorely missed as the dedicated service provided over these last 9 years has been splendid, especially during a period which has seen significant growth and change, and of course the challenges of the last few years, made all the smoother due to his care and guidance.

I know I speak for everyone at Hume in wishing Peter the best of luck in the future.

God bless you and your family.

Bill Sweeney - Principal