Leaders: New and Not-So-New
Dear Friends and Families,
Welcome back to you all and I trust that you enjoyed both rest and refreshment during the Christmas season and the Summer holidays. Some words from the Christian Scriptures to consider:
‘First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, for kings and all who are in high positions, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity. This is right and is acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, who desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God; there is also one mediator between God and humankind, Christ Jesus, himself human, who gave himself a ransom for all – this was attested at the right time.’ [1 Timothy 2:1-6].
Last Sunday was a Platinum Jubilee – the observation of Queen Elizabeth’s Accession Day, 70 years ago, whereupon the death of her father, the late George VI, Elizabeth began her remarkable reign.
For the purposes of our own school, Queen Elizabeth is by title the Supreme Governor of the Anglican church, and thus there is a sense in which, although symbolic and ceremonial, the Queen has a distinct role within our denomination. It is no surprise therefore that in our Anglican prayer books, we are advised to pray for the monarch of the day.
In a similar vein, the apostle Paul, whilst living under sometimes oppressive Roman rule, advises Christian believers to pray for all those in authority – whether those leaders are Christian or not. Why? So that ‘we may lead a quiet and peaceable life’.
These last two years have been very trying for both our state and federal leaders, and thus in an election year, regardless of whom is eventually voted in to lead us, we should pray for those in authority; for wisdom, good governance, and a dedication to pursue godliness and dignity.
Speaking of leaders, this year, we welcome our new Associate Chaplain, the Reverend Sheela Pandhare, to the School.
Reverend Sheela will be working several days a week at the School to assist me with chapel services and pastoral support for families, as well as taking oversight of the local Parish of Hume. Please say hello if you see her!
If you would like to speak further, or have questions about the Christian life, then do please contact me at: waterhousep@humegrammar.vic.edu.au
I also encourage you to pray the prayers for the week below.
If you would like to explore the certainty of Christ further, the two local Anglican churches listed below lead regular Sunday gatherings.
St Peter’s, Craigieburn (meeting at 10.30am on Sundays in the Chapel at Hume Anglican Grammar: 100 Mt Ridley Road, Mickleham)
Minister: Reverend Sheela Pandhare
Mobile: 0451 973 733 / 03 9308 2452
Email: sheelapandhare@gmail.com / humeparish@gmail.com
Redemption Church Craigieburn (meeting at 4.00pm on Sundays in Building 12 – the Year 5/6 Centre at Hume Anglican Grammar: 100 Mt Ridley Road, Mickleham)
Pastor: Reverend Akhil Gardner
Mobile: 0400 021 381
Email: akhilgardner@gmail.com
Prayers for the Queen and our Australian leaders
Almighty God, fountain of all goodness,
we humbly pray you to bless our sovereign lady,
Queen Elizabeth, and all who govern us:
may all things be ordered in wisdom, righteousness, and peace,
to the honour of your holy name,
and the good of your Church and people;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Lord God almighty, ruler of the nations of the earth,
give wisdom to the Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison,
and the Premier of this State, Daniel Andrews,
to the members of Parliament,
and to all who hold office in this land.
Grant that their decisions may be based on wise counsel,
so that peace and welfare,
truth and justice may prevail among us,
and make us a blessing to other nations;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Song (Speak, O Lord)
Reverend Peter Waterhouse - School Chaplain