The Greatest Surprise
Dear Friends and Families,
“Very early on Sunday morning the women went to the tomb, carrying the spices that they had prepared. When they found the stone rolled away from the entrance, they went in. But they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus, and they did not know what to think.” [Luke 24:1-3].
I wonder what the greatest surprise is you have ever been given? Perhaps you have experienced a surprise birthday party (which are much more difficult today to organise, due to the popularity of social media)? Maybe an unexpected gift? Perhaps a relative or friend has suddenly turned up from interstate or overseas on your front doorstep?
When I turned 40 (quite a few years ago now!), my wife very kindly had organised for family members and close friends to write some thoughtful memories and comments in a message book. It was a very unexpected gift.
Similarly, the simple fact is that most people did not expect the resurrection of Jesus to occur. Easter Sunday was not a foreseeable reality. Most people simply did not really believe Jesus, when he affirmed that after he – the Son of Man – died (on Good Friday), he would rise on the third day (Easter Sunday). And that is understandable, because the undeniable fact of life is that: dead people (by and large) … do not come back to life!
And yet despite what Jesus had promised, there was a shadow of doubt covering the minds of his own disciples and followers.
However, a great surprise certainly occurred. We are told that Mary Magdalene and some other women went to the tomb very early on Sunday morning, and they were bringing spices with them. Why the spices? So as to anoint the body of the Lord Jesus. They expected to find a body!
Instead, they were greeted by an empty tomb and two angels. And the words of the angels are so beautiful: “Why do you look for the living among the dead? Jesus is not here; he has risen!” We are then told that the women remembered what Jesus had said all along; things would never be the same again!
When Mary finally saw Jesus, she wept tears of joy; indeed, these tears look forward to the time of King Jesus’s future return one day, when there will be no more tears.
In the meantime, the living daily reality of the resurrection of Christ, reminds us that death will not have the final word. There can now be release from fear … from addictions … from failings … from self-hatred … from judgment, and from non-existence. There is now a bright future awaiting anyone who follows this living King.
In the final book of the Bible – Revelation – the apostle John makes the following pronouncement: “I heard a loud voice shout from the throne. Yes, God will make his home among his people. He will wipe all tears from their eyes, and there will be no more death, suffering, crying, or pain. These things of the past are gone forever.”
A happy and holy Easter indeed to you all!
If you would like to speak further, or have questions about the Christian life, then do please contact either me or Reverend Sheela (our Associate Chaplain) at the respective email addresses below:
Reverend Peter:
Reverend Sheela:
I also encourage you to pray the prayer for the week below.
If you would like to explore the certainty of Christ further, the two local Anglican churches listed below lead regular Sunday gatherings.
St Peter’s, Craigieburn (meeting at 10:30am on Sundays in the Chapel at Hume Anglican Grammar: 100 Mt Ridley Road, Mickleham)
Minister: Reverend Sheela Pandhare
Mobile: 0451 973 733/03 9308 2452
Redemption Church Craigieburn (meeting at 4:00pm on Sundays in Building 12 – the Year 5/6 Centre at Hume Anglican Grammar: 100 Mt Ridley Road, Mickleham)
Pastor: Reverend Akhil Gardner
Mobile: 0400 021 381
Prayer for Easter Week
Lord of all life and power,
who, through the mighty resurrection of your Son,
overcame the old order of sin and death
to make all things new in him:
grant that we, being dead to sin and alive to you in Jesus Christ,
may reign with him in glory;
to whom with you and the Holy Spirit
be praise, honour and thanksgiving,
now and for all eternity.
Song (Man of Sorrows)