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Forensic Science

Note Printing Australia or (NPA), is involved in the high production of both passports and banknotes. It aims to strike a balance between design and security and guides customers through multiple security platforms. Recently, our Forensic Science students attended an educational program where they were given the opportunity to look closely at some banknotes and recognise the many security features embedded in our banknotes. Below is some of the feedback from the students who attended.

On Thursday, 28 October two of the Year 9 Forensic Science classes were given the opportunity to attend an excursion to Note Printing Australia. This event allowed us to learn about the process of printing money, the security measures taken in the facility, and the history of Australian money. We were taught how to distinguish differences between real and fake money, and how Australian notes are trademarked. Overall, this was a positive experience as it allowed us to gain a better understanding of consumer fraud, security, and identification, which I believe will further assist us in our Forensic studies. - Manat

At the Note Printing Australia excursion, students were given the opportunity to further understand how notes are made, to prevent people from being able to counterfeit them. Techniques used were adding multiple layers of features which can differentiate a counterfeit to a genuine Australian note. Also, many activities enabled us to grasp further how outstanding our Australian bills really are. It was an incredible experience that provided many opportunities to learn and grow our knowledge. We as a forensic class were happy with the overall excursion and walked away with a lot. - Kenuka 

Deb Rakatairi – Year 7 Coordinator

  • Write on The Blackboard
  • Playing a Puzzle Game
  • Group Photo of Secondary Years Students