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Prep Orientation - Mt Ridley

We were very excited to welcome our new Prep students onsite as part of their 2022 Orientation program. Their first visit was on Friday, 12 November and then they attended for their second visit on Thursday, 18 November. Prep Orientation is an important process for families, children and the School community to develop an understanding of the needs of children, expectations, school environment and to promote a smooth beginning to school for our youngest students. 

Orientation Days are the transition sessions from kindergarten to school. This is such an important time as they provide an opportunity for students to build their confidence in a new environment and familiarise themselves with their new teacher and classmates.

It was so lovely to see how comfortable the students were when they were saying goodbye to their mum or dad and how they interacted with one another when they were in the classroom.  

This Transition helps children feel that they are an important part of the group. Above all, Transition provides a place where children can form and enjoy building relationships before commencing their first year at school.

Before the first day of Prep, it might be helpful to discuss with your child what to expect at school and how their day might look. You could also help your child prepare for their first year of school by reinforcing independence, introducing daily routines, making a healthy lunch and practise opening and closing their lunchbox. Family activities such as board games and taking turns is also a great way to help prepare them for life in the classroom.

We look forward to seeing our Preps with their beautiful smiles in 2022.

Pina Pikos - Assistant Head of Student Wellbeing P-2 (Mt Ridley)