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Year 9 City Experience

During Week 8 of Term 3, all Year 9 students participated in City Experience.

The aims of City Experience were:
To increase independence, life skills and responsibility
To encourage positive teamwork and interpersonal skills
To utilise the learning resources and opportunities the City of Melbourne has to offer.

To further develop inquiry skills such as;
Forming research questions,
Posing logical hypotheses,
Gathering viable data,
Analyzing research to form findings and
Presentation skills.

Students worked in small groups and chose a topic to focus their inquiry project on Population, Environment, Livability, Crime and Safety. The overarching question to research was “How has Covid affected Melbourne?”

Along with undertaking independent research, groups also participated in a number of tours and activities, some of these included The Big Issue, Melbourne Walking Tours, Fareshare kitchen, Old Melbourne Gaol, Salvation Army Homelessness tour, and MCG Tour.

Throughout the week students learnt some valuable life lessons such as, resilience, how to have a difficult phone conversation, trying to stick to a schedule, teamwork, problem-solving, time Management and navigation

The week was topped off with students displaying their work for families to see and a Parent Information Night to celebrate the wonderful achievements of our Year 9s.

Tamara Vasiliadis - Year 9 Coordinator