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Hume Anglican Grammar School

In this edition of Where Are They Now, we introduce you to Hume Grammarian, Manveer Singh.

Where Are They Now? is our online profile series which speaks to Hume Grammarians and allows us not only to share their stories but also to celebrate in their successes. 

Manveer Singh (Class of 2016)
B.Pharm (Hons), MPS, AACPA

After studying a Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons), Manveer has taken on a role as a Pharmacy owner, aiming to provide patient-centred care tailored to individual needs, making him one of the youngest Pharmacy owners. Manveer is also specialising in his field to be HMR and RMMR accredited, which allows him to review patient medication regimes and recommend changes to specialist or General Practitioners to optimise patient treatments.

What year did you graduate from Hume Anglican Grammar and tell us a little bit about your journey after Secondary School?
When growing up I always had a passion for helping people, as such when I graduated in 2016, I pursued my future in the healthcare field, specifically as a pharmacist. During my tertiary studies I was fortunate enough to be able to hone my capabilities further by immersing myself into other aspects of the healthcare field.

I worked with the Department of Health, helping them with the implementations of new opioid prescribing and dispensing guidelines. I assisted and took part in establishing and administering vaccinations in health hubs. I also took part in pain management trials during placements. Recently, I have taken on new role as a Pharmacy owner. I believe my journey after Secondary school has inevitably reflected my ideology and passion of wanting to improve the health and well-being of individuals around me.

Can you provide us with a snapshot into your daily routine?
Being a proprietor of a Pharmacy is undoubtedly one of the biggest, nerve wracking and exciting roles I have taken on. The role itself comes with a lot of responsibilities as you are expected to act as business owner, but also ensure that you are a healthcare professional first.

My daily routine includes, waking up at 6:00am and leaving for work by 7:00am to open my Pharmacy at 8:00am. As a pharmacist it is my duty to reconcile all prescriptions that have been written by General Practitioners and hospital discharged patients. I am also responsible for providing medications for travelling, recommending appropriate advice and treatments for my patients and providing vaccinations. I close my pharmacy at 7:00pm after which I generally go home and study as I am currently specialising in my field. I also take some time out at night to brainstorm ideas which would help innovate the pharmacy field and help my patients out.

What is your fondest memory of your time at Hume Anglican Grammar?
A memory I hold dear to my heart from Hume Anglican Grammar was during my time in Year 12. Like it is for many, VCE was a very stressful year of my life. So stressful that I forgot my own birthday. However, I was fortunate to have peers who were there to remind me and surprise me with a cake. They kept me grounded, helped me get through the tough times and allow me to achieve what I have.

How has your time at Hume Anglican Grammar influenced your likes and pathways after school?
Hume Anglican Grammar taught me to be resilient and preserve. The school encouraged me to be proactive, pushing me to always be the best version of myself. The values I picked up in school are now imbedded in my daily lifestyle. Understanding that I am the limiting factor in my own potential has played a significant role in shaping my goals and my success.

Fast Four:

If your friends could describe you in one word, what would it be?

If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
Given that I have Punjabi descent, if I could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, it will have to be Sidhu Moose Wala. He was an Indo-Canadian artist who openly spoke about many controversial but important topics such as oppression and corruption in India. 

What is one thing you couldn’t live without?
My dog, Max (who is also commonly referred to as my son).  

What is one thing most people don’t know about you?
I can fluently read and write in 3 languages.

Manveer Singh