Back to School! - Year 6 Mt Ridley
What an absolute pleasure it was to welcome our Year 6 students back to school last week. After a long stint out of the classroom, it was a joy to have busy classrooms once again. Students took time to reunite with friends and peers, and we look forward to the day when they can return full time.
Below is a short reflection from two Year 6 students about returning to school.
Learning from home has become the new normal and hearing the news of going back to school had us all jumping around. Remembering back in the old days of waking up, getting dressed and heading to school like we normally would. Reality has now developed into waking up, sitting in front of our screens and not socialising with anyone. The opportunity of interacting with our peers and teachers in real life makes learning way more fun and enjoyable. It’s great to be back!
Walking in the classroom for the first time in a very long time made us feel very excited, especially to spend the last term of Primary school with our friends and teachers in real life. It was such a pleasure to go back to school to meet friends and other teachers in person. Seeing everyone face to face and being able to talk to them was something that we all enjoyed. When we got back to school, we were thrilled to see our classroom and our classmates. When it comes to learning, seeing other students around us makes it easier to finish the work, knowing that others are doing the same thing. Seeing the School again is something that made us and all our friends very happy. - Ekam and Anvi - 6B