Child Safety at Hume
At Hume Anglican Grammar, the care and safety of our students is paramount. As our Strategic Plan states, our number one goal at the School is to ‘provide a supportive, caring and inspiring environment where all can thrive’.
On 1 July, 2022, the Victorian Government brought in 11 new Child Safe Standards, which replace the seven standards established in 2016 and that have been implemented in organisations during the past five years. The 11 new Standards ensure that organisations such as schools are able to appropriately and adequately protect children and young people. The Standards require us to put in place policies, procedures and daily practices that not only respond to any abuse, but actively prevent such abuse and promote a culture of safety and positive wellbeing.
We are a proud and dynamic child safe organisation. We take this responsibility seriously and commit, through our policies and practices, to respond to any incidents, disclosures or suspicions of child abuse while, at the same time, educating our students about positive behaviours and instilling in them the belief that we are all responsible for creating a culture that promotes a positive and safe community.
Our staff, as they carry out their daily business both in and outside of the classroom, are ever mindful of any situations that may compromise a child’s safety. In addition to this, we encourage our students and families to alert us if they become aware of any issues relating to child safety at the School.
The three key policies that reflect the new Child Safe Standards are now available on our website, and include:
I encourage you to have a read of these policies and documents, and to contact the School at any time if you have any concerns about the welfare of your child.