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Private Education at Hume Anglican Grammar

In this edition of Meet the Team we introduce you to Justin Condo, one of the Year 4 classroom teachers at our Mt Ridley campus.

Justin’s transition into teaching at Hume Anglican Grammar was quite unique as he began his role mid-year in 2021, during remote learning where he taught Year 5.

What do you like most about working at Hume Anglican Grammar?
The culture at the school is fantastic. Not only are my colleagues excellent at their job, but they are also very friendly and supportive. I am also grateful to work closely with the other two Year 4 teachers, Emily Ibbott and Steph Coakley. They are team orientated so it makes my job a lot easier.

Also, the students are wonderful and are very respectful. I can see the students striving to do their best each day which makes coming to work very joyful. It is heartwarming being able to build strong rapports with the students and seeing a smile on their face every day.

The School is a special community and one that I am thankful to be a part of.

Provide us with a 'snapshot' into your daily routine at school.
A snapshot into my daily routine at school is at the beginning of every Homeroom, students will complete 15 numeracy questions, as well as their ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check’ spelling words they receive each week. Then, we have our Reader’s Workshop session every Period 1 which students thoroughly enjoy. Throughout the day we will have a Numeracy and Writing session. Depending on my timetable, we will also have a Humanities, Science Technology lesson. Each day is extremely busy but also very fun.

Who has had the most significant impact on your career and why? 
There are many people who have had a big impact on my career, but overall, I would say learning from previous mentors and collaborating with the staff here at Hume Anglican Grammar. Through these observations and discussions, I have been able to learn a lot about teaching which I am grateful for, and I look forward to continuing improving my teaching practice.

Fast Four:

If your friends could describe you in one word, what would it be?

If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
Brad Stevens

Favourite travel spot:
New York

What is one thing most people don’t know about you?
I have met and spoken to NBA Superstar, Jayson Tatum

  • Justin Condo