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Hume Student Saatvik Sehgal Honored with VCE Award

Saatvik Sehgal, Vice-captain of Hume Anglican Grammar, has recently been honoured with the prestigious Premier’s VCE Award for his outstanding academic achievements in Systems Engineering. 

The award was presented to him at a formal ceremony held on Thursday, 27 July to recognise top-performing students who excelled in their VCE study scores.

Saatvik, who achieved a remarkable study score of 50 in Systems Engineering, was one of only three students in the state to receive this award for Systems Engineering. Hume Anglican Grammar is immensely proud of Saatvik’s extraordinary academic success, especially considering that he achieved top results while studying as a Year 11 student.

Saatvik, who has always been passionate about creating things using basic components, expressed his joy and gratitude for being recognised by a statewide body for his hard work over the last two years. “I am so overjoyed that my hard work throughout the last two years have been recognised. I have always had a passion for creating things using basic components. It’s something I have pursued since Year 8.”

“Our students are dedicated and passionate about their studies and that same dedication and passion is shared by our wonderful staff. We are extremely proud of Saatvik’s academic achievement,” said Principal Bill Sweeney.

Saatvik is currently studying Year 12 and hopes to pursue a career in an engineering discipline such as Mechatronics. “My dream role would be leading a project in the Space Industry, as I love the idea of space exploration”.

We wish Saatvik every success.

  • Celebrating Saatvik Sehgal's VCE Honor at Hume
  • Recognition for Saatvik Sehgal's VCE Honor